(edited January 3, 2015: Just in case you ended up here looking for the online, self-paced version of this class, you need to go here: Feather Boot Camp) The 4th session of Feather Boot Camp got underway on Monday. It's going well -- and with the switch to a new shopping cart, my life got about ... VIEW POST
Christmas journal so far
I've taken some pics of the physical journal in progress and uploaded them to Flickr. I had purchased a "Christmas Art Journal" from Evalicious (which are sold out, but you can still see them at that link), so a lot of the paper I'm using is from that. I'm using some overlays designed by Ali ... VIEW POST
Learning more new things
Thursday night was Open House at the school, and the band director aka director of the musical handed me the piano and vocal scores for this year's musical. I'm sure that 2 years ago when I got the score for Grease I was freaking out as much as I am now (Holy Heck, What Have I Gotten Myself ... VIEW POST
Learn something new every day
An online class that I signed up for last September, but never finished. When you sign up for one of Shimelle's classes, you are in it for life, and I had forgotten that until I started getting the prompts. I'm going to try this again, as a different take on the daily photo project which I don't ... VIEW POST
Disco, disco, duck
finally found what I was looking for, though not in the place i was expecting it. i had seen this photo frame on a blog sometime in the last...month or so...which meant it was really easy to find. not. finally found it on the website of the digital scrapbooking site where i could actually buy the ... VIEW POST
Journal Your Christmas, Day 4
I have struggled with what to write for this prompt all day. If you can't read it, the text says: When I was growing up, the days around Christmas itself had a fairly specific sameness to them over the years. Church on Christmas Eve, presents in the morning, brunch later. I don’t remember that we ... VIEW POST
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