(edited January 3, 2015: Just in case you ended up here looking for the online, self-paced version of this class, you need to go here: Feather Boot Camp) The 4th session of Feather Boot Camp got underway on Monday. It's going well -- and with the switch to a new shopping cart, my life got about ... VIEW POST
Computers are cool
I know. Last week I was bemoaning about how UNCOOL computers are. But today, I just did something cool and geeky and fun, and it makes me like computers again. For the moment. Of course, I couldn't let my brother-in-law have something cooler than me, so I had to go do my own. I suspect ... VIEW POST
Computers, part deux
Shortly after I wrote my earlier post, I decided to actually attempt to do a little troubleshooting, and fired up my laptop. Network worked just fine on it, so now I don't know what to think. I'll have to try moving the laptop to the front counter to see if it is locational, and if it's ... VIEW POST
Reading blogs
Three posts in one day! Some of my longarm quilting buddies are starting to blog on WordPress, and some of the people that were reading their old blogs at other places have commented about trying to remember to visit the new blogs. I wanted to post and make a suggestion that the best way to keep ... VIEW POST