Several years ago, when I was quilting full time and much more active in the quilting community, I taught an online class that I called Feather Boot Camp. I had big plans to turn the handouts in to a book and release it, but life happened. Those videos and handouts have been kicking around all this time, and I’ve decided it’s time to let them out.
Please remember, these videos were all filmed quite awhile ago. They reference posting in a forum and I talk about providing feedback and drawing on people’s quilts. While I’d be happy to answer questions and provide feedback, please understand that I will likely not be able to do so in a timely fashion. If you do have questions, and I’m not answering quickly, you are HIGHLY encouraged to go visit MQResource, the forum where this class started. The quilters there are VERY helpful and would love to answer questions. You do have to register, but it is a free site, no payment required. http://www.mqresource.com/forum
The class, back when I taught it online was $50 (I think? My memory is terrible) and it lasted 5 weeks. I’m posting all of this here with a virtual tip jar open. You are welcome to view the videos, download the handouts, and all I ask is that you (a) respect my copyright, (b) tell a friend about it, and (c) contribute as you see fit. Was the material worth $1 to you? $25? $50? Nothing? It’s entirely up to you. If you want to share, here’s a handy link you can send a friend: http://wp.me/PqREJ-1Lu
Table of Contents
The class is arranged as individual weeks. Each week has it’s own page with a stitching lesson and a drawing lesson. Each week also included other information and a weekly self-check. Later weeks also included Feather Variations (“decorated feathers”). You are welcome to work through each of these “weeks” at your own pace, but I encourage you to take the time to do the drawing as set — practicing 15 minutes a day for a week is better than putting in a 2 hour session.
Week One — Intro to Over the Top Feathers
Week Three Bonus — Decorated Feathers Part 1
Week Four — Feathers in Closed Shapes
Week Four Bonus — Decorated Feathers Part 2
Week Five Bonus — Decorated Feathers Part 3
I hope you find value in these videos and handouts. Happy Quilting!
Want to learn more from me? Check out my book, Meandering Magic: The Deluxe Edition.
Hello Suzanne, I noticed you used an open toe foot on your longarm in the video….I have never used mine and was wondering if you use it often… I do all custom work but was wondering if it is good for ruler work?
Love your class!
Margaret Landon
The Quilt Parlor
North Tonawanda, Ny
Hi Margaret —
I do use my open toe foot all the time. In fact, I’m not sure where my regular foot is! I do use it with rulers, you just have to be careful. Also, the front of it isn’t 1/4 inch, so it’s not quite as convenient for lining things up. I’m used to it, though. I don’t generally ever measure on my rulers, I’m either directly in the ditch, or I have marked the line, and I’m just using the straight edge to keep me straight.
I took your on line class and really enjoyed. It was one of the first things I did after retiring. Thanks so much for making this information available so I can review it again.
My pleasure, Sherry! Happy quilting!
Suzanne, I am really enjoying your instructions. Your teaching style is great–you really go over what makes a beautiful feather, and more importantly, what does not make a beautiful feather. Thank you so much for making this available to us.
Thank you Donna! Enjoy!
I have started your series, and find it very he;lpful so far. Still just on week one, and may stay there for more than a week actually. Just wondering – in your post there is no link to week five, the week five bonus and the FAQs. Is that intentional or maybe just a glitch on my computer? All of the other weeks/bonuses appear in blue and link to your videos, etc, but those are in black and do not link up.
I got sidetracked by grocery shopping last night, and didn’t get the final lessons posted. They’ll be up this morning!
Thank you so much! You are an asset to our quilting community for sharing your talents.
Margaret Landon
The Quilt Parlor
Please everyone that has had the need AND opportunity to take this wonderful class…DONATE!
We are in this world to help and support each other and our talents need to be shared, which Suzanne has done, let’s make it worth her time and effort!
Margaret Landon
The Quilt Parlor