MQResource is a website for ALL machine quilters, whether you use a longarm quilting machine, or quilt on your domestic sewing machine. Heck, you don’t even have to be a machine quilter to join us!
The website consists of a home page that is updated with feature articles, as well as a very active and robust forum. We now have over 4500 members and over 300,000 posts in the forums. Lots of pictures, advice, and fun can be found.
Most of our content is free to anyone that registers, we do have some videos that are available only to Premier members who pay a small yearly fee to join.
help I can’t sign on. I got a new password but the computer signs on with the old one, or MQR won’t accept the new one. I’ve tried a couple of days. would love to part of the fun again. Thanks Marion
Hi Suzanne – Seems I have the same problem as Marion… This has happened to me a few times and you have helped. I’m not able to sign in. It won’t accept the newest password I created not too long ago…. I have not been active lately, mostly just lurking…. Does the system drop you if not posting for quite a while?? I miss looking at all the beautiful work being done….. I’d appreciate help in getting signed in. Thanks. Betty Hicks., I can send you the User ID and last password I have been using.
Hi Suzanne:
Could someone please tell me how to register for your website?
Thank you,
Hi, this is the error I am getting tonite
Fatal error: Call to undefined method skin_ipchat_3::chatMobileLink() in /home/srearly/public_html/forum/admin/applications_addon/ips/ipchat/sources/hooks.php on line 276
Suzanne, I am up to date on my Premier membership dues, but cannot find/access the Premier Vidoes forum. Are they still listed? Can you help me? Thanks, Sarah (Gram 6)
Suzanne, I have been trying to get into the website for about a week now with no success. I think I read somewhere that the site has been down and that it is finally working, however, I still can’t get in. Can you help. Thanks
I also forgot to tell you I have been a member for just over a year. I can’t put my username or password in. It just won’t accept it.
I am interested in an online longarm quilting course. Are there any out there?
Suzanne, please contact me. I have searched all over for a contact email regarding mqresource
Suzanne, since this morning’s update, I can read the posts on the forum, but cannot reply to them. When I enter my comment, the words appear in an unusual font, and when I click to post, I get a message that says that the post is empty.
The same thing happened when I tried to send you a private message.
I notice that the last post to show up is Brenda’s shortly after the forum was back online. That was over 2 hours ago.
I hope that this gets to you!
Suzanne, getting the same thing as Donna this morning. There were three posts around 9:53 am, and it is not 11:07 and I cannot post, nor can I pm.
Hi – I’m Amandasgramma — I can get onto MQ but when I make comments or try to PM you, it’s not recognizing that I’ve typed anything. I tried logging out and reloading, didn’t help. (it’s 1:20 Pacific Time on Sunday)
Dee, if you get an answer to this could you email me the fix?
I am having the same problem as Donna above. Can’t post. I get a message saying the post is empty. I also couldn’t contact you on MQR to tellyou because it says that post is empty too. I run a PC , Windows 7, Explorer. I also tried Chrome and had the same result. It all used to work just fine