Or buffalo either. How about a shop window, instead? I'm finding it hard to get good pictures of the windows, perhaps I'm not trying the right time of day? Plus, the dark red quilt hanging in the background does not show well at all, it's just too dark, and the reflections in the window ... VIEW POST
Monday Again?
Good grief, how did it get to be Monday again? And not only that: this is the boys last week of school. Well, they have to go back next Tuesday for Track and Field Day, but that doesn't really count. Only a few more days of being 2nd graders. Weird. I'm pretty sure I'm not ready for summer ... VIEW POST
Red wholecloth
On the way home from MQX, I had a brainstorm for a decidedly nontraditional wholecloth quilt. I started doing some scribbling in my sketchbook, and got to work yesterday. As these things often go, the resulting quilt is going to look nothing like my original brainstorm. The original idea was ... VIEW POST