I should be quilting. Everything else is more fun. Like going to the post office in my small town, and having the carrier see me, and grab the package that was waiting for me and handing it to me over the counter -- it wasn't so much that he was being kind to me, as it was that this meant that ... VIEW POST
Knitting a scarf
I tried to think of a more exciting title, but nothing came to me. As you probably guessed from the title, I am, indeed, knitting a scarf. I'm using Cascade Baby Alpaca Chunky in Black, with some Brown Sheep Company Lamb's Pride (a wool/mohair blend) in Strawberry Smoothie. I'm using size ... VIEW POST
More girls knitting
Three of the Girl Scouts came back this afternoon, after school, to work on their projects some more. It was much more subdued than yesterday's chaos. They got started and seemed like they were OK, so I went back out front to continue the endless bookkeeping that I'm so far behind on, it's not ... VIEW POST
No more bison
Or buffalo either. How about a shop window, instead? I'm finding it hard to get good pictures of the windows, perhaps I'm not trying the right time of day? Plus, the dark red quilt hanging in the background does not show well at all, it's just too dark, and the reflections in the window ... VIEW POST
Look deep into my eyes
WEll, my kid's eyes, anyway. I have seriously got to stop trying take pictures at the end of the day when there is no light. How many times have I said that? Sheesh. I hate it when I have to learn a lesson over and over and over. So the other day, I was debating between knitting and ... VIEW POST
I thought this yarn would be here tomorrow, but whoopee! The UPS man came today! This isn't even all of it, bunches of it is already priced and put away. I'm sitting down to cast on a new project** for a few minutes before I get back to it. This is not waht I'd planned for today, but sometimes ... VIEW POST