I know you are waiting with baited breath to see how much progress I’ve made:
By Sunday night I was at 5.5 inches (1 inch ahead of schedule) and as of last night I was at 7.25 inches, plus I started the toe of the 2nd sock for some variety. I have to make a lot of those blue and white stripes in order to fit my loooooong feet. I have 1.25 inches left to go before the heel, and between the two socks I’m still about an inch ahead of my planned schedule.
I wanted to knit all day long, but I forced myself to work so that I could sit and watch Olympics and knit. I enjoy watching the Olympics, even the sports I have no interest in, or know nothing about. Those snowboarders! Wow! They are crazy!!!
And the figure skating: I like that the best.
But has anyone else been paying attention to what the athletes are wearing? And not just the figure skaters? The US Snowboarders: didn’t it look like they were wearing blue jeans? I realized after awhile that they must be snowpants styled to look like blue jeans, but I was so surprised at first. Then, I realized that those snowboarders have a different kind of…style? Attitude? And realized that to me, the blue jean-snowpants were just about perfect. And thanks to Mr. Google, here’s an article about their uniforms, with photos, and I was right: they are Gore-tex, but styled to look like jeans. Like…jeans that someone has already worn in and loved for a long time…
Snowboarding – 2010 Olympic (Anti) uniforms
I like them, even if no one else approves.
That is so funny, we check out the uniforms too! Hate the mogul skiers star print baggy suits. Those looked like Dad’s old flannel pj’s. Liked the stripes on the downhill skiers suits; though I liked the Swiss teams suits the best. You can’t help but ski fast in those I am sure. We snowboard here so we’re used to the baggy crazy outfits they wear. Your socks are looking great! I should be doing some applique or something while I watch but then I’d only be listening. You knit, I’ll be slothful.