Between meetings and being really tired at night this week: I just haven't been knitting. I did knit for awhile last night and have evaluated where I'm at: I timed myself this morning and it took me 2 minutes 48 seconds to do one complete round of 80 stitches. If I were able to just knit ... VIEW POST
Traumatic Day
You'll have to excuse the blurriness of my photos tonight. It's been kind of a traumatic day, and apparently, blurry photos are the best I can manage. First, the good news: Yes! My first sock is done! I'm not entirely sure I can actually manage to get the second one done this week, but ... VIEW POST
Knitting Olympics — almost halfway
I thought I was staying on track for getting these finished, but I think I've fallen a bit behind, I should probably be completely finished witht he first sock by now, but I'm close: I do have part of the toe of the 2nd sock started, but I don't think it adds up to quite enough to say I'm ... VIEW POST
Knitting Olympics: Turned the heel
I have turned the heel (I did a short row heel, my first. I messed up the purl side, but not badly enough to redo it. I know what I did wrong, and the 2nd sock will be better). It looks baggy on the sock blocker because...the sock blocker is clearly not big enough. It fits MY foot perfectly. ... VIEW POST
Knitting Olympics update
I know you are waiting with baited breath to see how much progress I've made: By Sunday night I was at 5.5 inches (1 inch ahead of schedule) and as of last night I was at 7.25 inches, plus I started the toe of the 2nd sock for some variety. I have to make a lot of those blue and white ... VIEW POST