26 Days until I Race for the Cure. (I still have a long way to go on my fundraising goal, if you can help, here’s my personal fundraising page. If you CAN help, I’ll be eternally grateful). Today’s run/walk: 1.89 miles, .73 running. I think that a month ago, in addition to it being too hot, I ... VIEW POST
I went away, and then I came back
I bet you didn't even know I was gone! You know, in theory I like the idea of traveling, and I was thrilled to spend time with my sister and her family, but Oof. I'm hoping that by tomorrow I'll be recovered and ready to be productive. The trip was sort of last minute -- my mom talked ... VIEW POST
New knitting
In a move that will surprise absolutely no one, I chose to start a new project, rather than do something practical (i.e. finish an existing project...) The yarn is Stars and Stripes Forever by The Painted Tiger. Isn't it awesome? Self-striping yarn is really cool. I'm doing a pretty simply ... VIEW POST
Hey! I just finished my socks! The pattern is Pink Ribbon Socks by Laura Spradlin. If I'd had pink yarn, I would have made them pink, but I only had purple. The main casualty of this particular project was a set of circular needles: I'm not entirely sure what happened. I was ... VIEW POST
Knitting Olympics: probably not enough hours left
Between meetings and being really tired at night this week: I just haven't been knitting. I did knit for awhile last night and have evaluated where I'm at: I timed myself this morning and it took me 2 minutes 48 seconds to do one complete round of 80 stitches. If I were able to just knit ... VIEW POST
Traumatic Day
You'll have to excuse the blurriness of my photos tonight. It's been kind of a traumatic day, and apparently, blurry photos are the best I can manage. First, the good news: Yes! My first sock is done! I'm not entirely sure I can actually manage to get the second one done this week, but ... VIEW POST