For the non-quilting readers, this is going to be more about quilting than you are probably willing to sit through, so you may be excused. Or you can keep reading if you think it might be interesting. Just don't blame me if you are bored. For the rest of you, I thought I'd do a post about how ... VIEW POST
Making lists
I have never been a very good listmaker. Well, I can make the list, but I usually lose the list in about 5 minutes. My list(s) tend to be virtual lists, which isn't always a good thing, becuase I have a tendency to forget things in about 5 minutes. I've reached my limit, though, and I've ... VIEW POST
Drumroll please:
Wow. I ended up with 172 entries in my quilt giveaway. That included entries from the original post, entries on the quilt post, as well as a number of people that posted on their blogs. Thank you to everyone that participated. The sad part is that now I have all of these additional blogs to ... VIEW POST
The Giveaway Quilt
stay tuned for the outcome, comments are closed, thanks to everyone that entered. When last I rambled about what quilt I would be offering in this giveaway, I think I left off at Plan D. I've decided to go with Plan E. A quilt that is already quilted and finished. This quilt was ... VIEW POST
I fixed it nice and quick, but I accidentally did something stupid. Imagine that. I was trying COPY files and instead I MOVED them. Luckily it was quick and easy to move them back and nothing is permanently messed up. Thanks for following me. I knew you would. I hoped you would. The blog ... VIEW POST