I have some more tweaking to do, but I'm tackling my to-do list(!) and instead of just thinking about working on the new look for my website, I've actually gotten a lot of it done. ... VIEW POST
I'm going to try to do some stuff to the website design today, so don't be surprised if you come to visit and it looks a little messy. ... VIEW POST
I fixed it nice and quick, but I accidentally did something stupid. Imagine that. I was trying COPY files and instead I MOVED them. Luckily it was quick and easy to move them back and nothing is permanently messed up. Thanks for following me. I knew you would. I hoped you would. The blog ... VIEW POST
Housewarming party
Thanks for putting up with me and following me to this new site. If you click on the POSTS link, right above my picture (gee, it looks like I'm looking at those links up there in the corner)... you can subscribe to my new blog in your favorite blog reader. (I like Google Reader, myself.) And ... VIEW POST
Cold toes
I ran home to deal with lunch, and my toes haven't warmed up yet from the excursion. The boys came home from school yesterday absolutely convinced that they would have today off. A winter storm was bearing down on us, and it looked to be a doozy. They weren't wrong: school is closed today. ... VIEW POST
Blogroll, again
OK, it's gone from my sidebar because I didn't like how long it made the page, especially with this new theme and the fact that comments displayed below the end of the sidebar. So, I realized (duh) an easy way to cut and paste it into a page, the link is up at there at the top of the blog, right ... VIEW POST