There were a LOT of entries. Between blog comments, blog links and shop orders, we ended up with 1996 entries in the giveaway.
Everyone got entered into a spreadsheet which, of course, is numbered. I used to generate a sequence of numbers and took the first 6:
We figured out who each of those numbers corresponded to, wrote them down on a slip of paper, and then I had my lovely assistant (MOM) draw the grand prize winner out of a bucket…
Carol Candlish
Has won her choice of a 100 fat quarter collection (chosen by me) or a yarn collection (chosen in conjunction with the winner) valued at $125 (full retail value)
Five more winners will each get a Baker’s Dozen fat quarter collection (that’s 13 fat quarters, chosen by me) or yarn of their choice that totals $15 retail.
Those winners are:
Paula (e-mail starts with: ap_l…) and Susie (e-mail starts with drho…) (who left blog comments)
Maya M, Janice C, Lenore N (who each ordered something from the shop)
I’ll be in touch with the winners to make arrangements, thanks to everyone that commented, shared the link, or bought something at the shop. I can’t give you the exact numbers, but in the last 2 weeks I’ve emptied approximately 80 bolts and sold over 1000 yards of fabric.
Congratulations to all the winners, although I don’t see who the grand prize winner is??? and congrats to you for having such a wonderful giveaway! Hope things stay busy for you with your shop!