The boys’ hair situation is dire, but we haven’t yet found the time to do the threatened haircuts. They went to bed with dampish hair last night and woke up with some pretty crazy looking hair.
I helped Joe wet his hair, and then he grabbed the comb and went away.
This is what he came back with.
It’s a good thing he’s so darned cute.
If bad hair is the worst thing your boys bring to you, count your blessings! Trust me on that one. 😉
The hair wars are long gone here…I think. My only requirement is that it looks CLEAN! Fortunately, DS likes really short hair since longer hair bothers him when he is getting all sweaty playing saxophone. (Yep, imagine how crazy one must play to sweat playing music! LOL!)
I’m enjoying the closeups of faces. Yours yesterday, Joe’s today.
Behead hair is cool Mom!!! Wait until he gets to high school……. I see it all day while I’m teaching LOL