You should see the outtakes from my photo-in-the-mirror session this afternoon. Yikes. I held the camera low and tipped up, but of course, I couldn’t tell where exactly it was aiming, so I have lots of pictures of just the very top of my head. Plus I found that if I looked straight ahead, it looked strange, and if I looked down, I looked cross-eyed. So, I decided to go with purposely looking up and ended up with several that I kind of liked.
I have great plans to tell you more about what I’m doing with these photos, and how I’m planning to actually do this all year long. I have this whole list in my head, and maybe tomorrow I’ll try to take the time to share it.
Yesterday, Liz asked about the quilt on the wall on the far right of the picture, the one you can just barely see. I blogged about that quilt at the time, but I don’t seem to have a picture that shows the whole thing. For now, though, I can direct you to this post, that shows the body of the quilt, plus the border audition, and this post which shows some close-ups of the quilting.
Here’s another one of the self-portrait pictures I considered for today’s photos. I am reserving the right to change my mind after the fact about a few of these photos…
One thing that never ceases to amaze me when I look at pictures of myself is just how dark my hair is compared to the mental image I have of myself.
In my head, I’m a much lighter blonde, and I don’t wear glasses.
I’m also, oddly enough, shorter.
Liz A. says
Thank you. I LOVE IT! Now I know what to do with all those tiny pieces I haven’t been able to throw out. And I see why I had not seen it before, you first posted it before I started reading your blog.
Love the pics from today. And you are not alone in wondering why you look so different from what you THINK you do!
Donna says
Don’t worry about not being as blond as you think you are. Your hair will become ‘blonder’ sooner than you would like. Then you can make it unblond, if you wish.
The quilt is a very good way to use up your small bits of leftover fabric.
Alycia says
Hmmm, I am shorter in my mind too – and have bluer eyes… interesting. Love your pics though – you should show up more!
Jeri says
I cannot take a decent self-portrait… and I don’t look anything like what I think I do. The “real” me is short, fat, and has blotchy skin and dark circles under the eyes! :O
Warty Mammal says
Mentally shorter with lighter hair? That’s okay. My self-image is of someone who weighs about sixty pounds less than I do. Gives me a horrid shock every time I go in a dressing room.