I went to put some lotion on my hands and realized that I was only wearing my mother’s ring. In the morning, I can’t always get my wedding ring on, so I often slip it on my pinky. I remembered picking up both rings, but had absolutely no recollection of anything regarding the rings after that.
There were almost tears, but I decided not to panic until I retraced my steps.
Apparently my wedding ring had slipped off when I was throwing clothes in the washer, as it tumbled out when I opened up the washer and started digging through the wet clothes.
With that disaster averted, I think I need a drink. Or a nap. The rest of the day should be all downhill.
I also think, looking at the photograph of my ring, that it is past due time to get it cleaned and buffed. Yikes.
I will say, that my day will be getting much brighter and more fun, as I’m expecting a fellow longarm quilter to visit me for several hours this afternoon! I even cleaned my longarm table off, brushed out the tracks and cleaned the wheels in honor of her visit.
In the meantime, though, while I wait? I think I’ll go lie down and recover from almost losing my ring.
p.s. Lynn? You don’t need to say “I told you so.” I could already hearing you saying it during my search.
Tanya Brown says
Both rings are beautiful. Bless your heart, though; that sounds like a panic-inducing morning!
I think I won’t look at my own wedding ring quite the same way today.
Kim says
I would be in a frenzy also looking for my wedding ring. I am glad that you found it though!!!
AllenQuilts says
Whew…glad you found it!
Kelly says
Oh I’m SO happy that you found your ring! I can sympathize. I have a small ruby ring that my mom gave me on my 16th birthday (I’m about to be 35) that I only take off to clean it or put lotion on. This past Friday at the drive-ins I discovered it was not on my finger – I panicked!!! The last time I knew I had it was 8 hours earlier at home and had been to at least 4 places and walking around at the drive-ins since.
I cried a LOT, but I’m very happy to say that I located it under the seat of my truck on Sunday. I have no idea how it got there or for that matter came off my finger without me noticing, but am so relieved.
And I must say that is a beautiful ruby (garnet?) ring in your photo. In my experience it’s hard to find “dainty” ruby rings and that one is absolutely beautiful.
Sorry for the long post and I hope you enjoy your visitor today!
carlafibers says
Wow, that was a close call! So glad you found it again.
Cheri says
Oh, thank goodness! My heart would have been pounding and pounding during that search. So glad it has a happy ending!
freda1951 says
Thank goodness you found it. I can imagine your panic.
Terri says
That’s a heart stopper! Now, as long as you are going to get it cleaned, get is resized as well!!!
Lynn Douglass says
OMG! Get out of my head! I was thinking that as I read it! Then again, you knew that! ROFLMAO!!! You are most definitely the sister I should have always had! 🙂
P.S. I’m so very glad you found it!