My memory card is at the shop -- AGAIN -- so I had to resort to using Mark's camera. I really dislike his camera, because I've never been able to take a decent picture with it, and these photos are no exception. This is what, the bazillionth time I've left the memory card in a different place than ... VIEW POST
A heel! sort of!
I should have waited until today to try to finish my sock. I made the bound-off edge way too tight, I can't even get it on! So, out that comes and I'll reevaulate how to do the edge. In the meantime, I can show off the sock heel I just made on my CSM. Ignore the dropped stitches. Concentrate ... VIEW POST
Now we are friends
We've still got a long way to go before we are wearing socks made on this machine, but simply getting it cast on and knitting was a wonderful hurdle to have made it over today. We've all had a turn this evening and have cranked out many feet worth of knitted tube. I even just switched to a ... VIEW POST
New adventure #1
Two new adventures getting started around here. One of them started yesterday with this arrival of a package from New Zealand. Any guesses as to what it might be? Some of you will know, as I posted about it on MQResource several weeks ago. Did I post about it here? I can't remember, I think ... VIEW POST