I shouldn’t be allowed out of the house. Look at what I do to unsuspecting knitting needles! I stuffed the project in a car door pocket. Apparently the needle fell out and got caught when I closed the door.
Mark asked if he needed to get out some tools to try to repair it. Sadly, I suspect it will never be the same.
Rather than restarting blogging on the first, making it look like a New Year’s Resolution (which I don’t do), I thought I’d be sneaky and start a few days ahead of time. And what better way than to show everyone what kind of a goof I can be.
Perhaps I should have lied and said I don’t know my own strength and that I bent it with my own two hands. Would that have been a better story? Probably not. Not believable enough.
Except wait: ask me how many push-ups I can do at one time!
Go ahead, ask! (I’ll wait!)
I did 16 push-ups yesterday. I made all 3 of my boys ask me that question yesterday. They all humored me, and even gave me high fives and fist pumps. They thought I was ridiculous, but hey, by now, this fact shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that knows me.
Which means I have to thank YOU, dear reader, for humoring me, too. I’m totally give you high fives and fist pumps right now, too.
How long did it take you to get to 16? You must have been practicing for a while. 16 IS impressive.
I started on November 15th with 10 incline push-ups (up against my desk). After about 2 weeks of adding a push-up a day, and then switching to kneeling push-ups, I was able to start doing regular push-ups. (Mark would ask…”real ones? On your toes? With your butt down?” Yes, dear. On my toes. Butt down, abs engaged.) Now my goal is to do pull-ups/chin-ups. I’ve a ways to go on that….
I am impressed. Lately I have been hearing about doing “planks”. Very similar benefits.
16!!! Now I am really impressed. I can do bunches of situp but pushups, not so much. I may have to follow your lead. I have been doing the planks for quite awhile.