Hello, week 7. I’m not going to lie, this week kicked my butt. Working at a high school is really freaking hard some days, and this week was especially trying.
The interesting thing about my daily photography project is that I’m purposely looking for things that make me happy or that I want to remember, so that helps kick out some of the grumpies. Here are the things that I ended up capturing this week:
February 9, 2014
I threw the bedding over the railing, and by the time I got downstairs to gather it up and wash it, the cat had dug himself a nest.
Clearly, I had to leave the pile there until he was done playing.
February 10, 2014
If I asked him to smile, he’d give me goofy looks, but I kept the camera on him while we told jokes and tried to get him to smile naturally. Most of the time I’d miss the actual smile, but this one turned out pretty nicely! Fresh haircut and angle makes his forehead look really big, though!
February 11, 2014
After the final home game, I made my good-looking guys pose together.
February 12, 2014
Late night, last minute photo ops, just me and the dog….who is probably thinking “Stop taking my picture and pet me.”
February 13, 2014
Getting ready for the final JV game.
February 14, 2014
Another last minute, late night “what the heck do I take a picture of” kind of shots — that at the time I thought was kind of goofy (why didn’t I take a picture of the cookie before it got eaten?) that turns out to be one my favorite pictures….
February 15, 2014
Ready for bed in my penguin jammies, with my penguin pillowcases.
Sorry that you had a rough week. I used to work at the boys’ grade school. Some days were great, and others just wore me out! I have a lot of respect for anyone who works with kids! I’m glad you were able to find comfort in some fun time with the family, the playfulness of Mr. Miles, the yumminess of a cookie, and the snuggle of your penguins. Oh, and quilting, of course! 🙂
Miles looks so cute with his eye peeking out.
Did I see green eyes? And love the peek-a-boo kitty.