I don’t know what’s more fun:
The new haircut, the new glasses, the blingy cell phone cover or the case my new glasses came in.
(I have a cold and that was about my 6th try for a picture. I gave up and hoped one of them was good enough…)
The glasses are Japanese. Made in China, of course, but designed in Japan. This case is so cool that I might actually be responsible and use it for like…the first 5 minutes. Sheesh.
But look more closely at the glasses:
I know, it’s not a great picture, but look at how awesome they are!
Joe said “No offense, but I liked the other ones better.”
I have clearly not done my duty in training my children, their future wives will hate me if I don’t do something to correct this. Obviously his answer, when asked what he thought, should have been “Those look great Mom, you are beautiful. I love you.” And then he should have followed it with a kiss. Right?
Unfortunately, I’m battling genetics here: I’m going to be lucky if Mark even NOTiCES that I got my new glasses today.
Lucky you to find glasses you like! I spent an hour trying on frames today (new prescript) and I can’t find any…from previous experience I know I will try on hundreds of frames and eventually settle for one I don’t hate…ugh.
Terrific pic of you, btw!
Wow! I love it all! Very cool glasses! And you look great in them. I like all your “other” stuff too. I love new stuff!
I’m with you, Terri – I have glasses, but I’m not THRILLED with them.
Awesome! Everything looks awesome! 🙂
I love the glasses!! I am so picky with the frames I pick because I have to wear them ALL the time! Totally blind if I don’t have them on my face…so I better like what I get. My problem is I can’t see to pick them out because I don’t have my glasses on!1 I always take a REALLY good friend with me to pick…someone who knows me very well. I love yours!!