If you’ve been around the blog for awhile, you know that I take a somewhat perverse pleasure in telling stories on myself.
Well, I’ve got another one for you.
I started making this baby quilt around the time that we were moving my crap back home from the shop. At some point, I set it aside, for a number of reasons.
When I say set it aside, you should not read carefully put all pieces in a basket or bag and put said basket or bag on a shelf where it can be easily found.
Oh no. That would make too much sense.
No, I shoved it willy nilly and promptly forgot about it.
When I picked it up Sunday, I had:
15 blocks
2 partially sewn strip sets
approximately 14 inches each of the blue and white prints. I knew (and why I knew this particular fact but not another, more relevant fact which I’ll reveal in a bit, I’ll never know…) that this was absolutely all I had left of these two prints. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that the rest had been sold in the clearance sale at the shop.
Between that leftover yardage and the partial strip sets, I was able to eek out enough blocks for the quilt as shown — 30 blocks total. With the borders on, the quilt measures approximately 42 by 48, which is a little on the small side of what I normally do when I make baby quilts (I try to think of them more as kid quilts, that will still be big enough when they are toddlers…), but it would have to do, since that was all the fabric I had.
I do remember thinking, before I started quilting it, that I’d probably turn around and find another couple of blocks somewhere in a pile.
But…whatever. The quilt is quilted and now it’s time to bind it.
I went looking in my closet to see if I could find some stray strips of the black and white polka dot (before I cut any more off the bolt), and guess what I found? It’s like I was psychic, but it was even worse than finding just a block or two:
That’s right, I found THREE WHOLE COMPLETE strip sets shoved into a box in the closet. Cut up that would make EIGHTEEN actual blocks. Why did I not remember that I had sewed so many more strip sets together? Why did not occur to me that because I knew I had been somewhat cavalier with the quilt pieces, that perhaps I should look harder to make sure I had everything? Ay yi yi.
Plus? In the spot where I had originally pulled the blocks and other pieces from? Yeah, there were 2 more blocks there, too.
I need a keeper. Someone to save me from myself.
LOL You make me feel so much better! I thought I was the only one who needed a keeper!!!!
I love your perverse stories, but this didn’t sound one bit perverse at all! In fact, it sounds like a typical day in my life.
just take all the ‘found’ stuff and make a pillowcase to match the quilt. LOL
I love these stories! It makes me know that there are other not-quite-normal folks out there. Or maybe we’re the normal ones — at least in the quilting world. Thanks for sharing and for making my morning.
I do things like this too, and then tell the funny stories about it, just so you know.
I love you stories! And *um* I totally get them!!! Now you can make a pillowcase? Or a blankie for the babys favorite stuffed animal?
I too love your ‘stories’ because they are my stories!! I am also glad that I can once once again read your whole blog from my Googel Reader page instead of going back and forth between your blog and GR!
Keep sharing your fun!