easily paranoid girl took over the blog for a little while earlier and posted something that was a little too whiny and insecure.
i’ve thought better of it, and deleted her post.
thanks for the feedback on the issues with the comment boxes running into each other. i think i’ve made it better, but i do have some more tweaking to do. i’ve resized (and changed) some of the text, and need to tweak some more.
so anyway, those of you that do read through a blog reader, the site has been redesigned, so if you are interested in seeing what i’ve done, you’ll need to click through to the blog itself.
whether you comment or not, i do appreciate your readership.
the fact that it bothers me sometimes that people DON’T comment is MY problem, not yours. i’m still working on controlling my reaction, something that will continue to be lifelong struggle for me.