I’m an overachiever. Not one, but TWO! I found some cute Christmas Mary Engelbreit stationery and got inspired…took me all of about 5 minutes for 2 quick notes that made me feel good to write, and I hope will make the recipients feel good, too.
I’ve had that stationery for several (many?) years. I’m not sure what I thought I was saving it for.
Anybody else write a letter today?
Terri says
I write a lot of notes and keep a variety of note cards on hand for quick thank-yous and thinking-of-you type letters. As a researcher and history fanatic I think it will be very hard in the future to construct historical info. because emails are deleted and phone calls can’t be kept in a box with ribbon around them….AND there is nothing quite like getting a hand-written letter in the mail. I truly makes me feel cared for.
Hugs! TerriW
paula says
I actually did write a quick note to an overseas friend today.