My morning was spent hand-embroidering Wrigley’s name on his stocking.
Wrigley is a dog.
My sister-in-law and niece had asked me to do this several weeks ago, but I took the stocking home and…the embroidery floss was all here at the shop. Finally, I managed to get both items in the same place at the same time and got that marked off my mental list.
I pretty much took the weekend off from the computer, and got a ton of quilting and sewing done. I’ll be sharing some stuff as the day/week goes on.
I was thinking about my post about how I was going to throw away that shirt that was so irritating. I wanted to add, just so you don’t think I’m really wasteful, that I do normally take things to Goodwill, but this shirt. I just couldn’t see subjecting someone else to the irritation that I had suffered through. Plus, it had some bleached spots on the front, so it wasn’t really in what I would consider donatable condition. I didn’t figured that the people at Goodwill needed to throw out my trash. I suspect they do enough of that already.
If you have nothing better to do, and are in need of a giggle, you could go visit my sister’s blog and watch the really short video clip of my nephew. He’s quite a character.
I am not going to whine about the weather.
I am not going to whine about the weather.
I am not going to whine about the weather.
I am not going to whine about the weather.
Deb says
this isn’t going to help any. But the temp out is 66! I’m sure colds are right around the corner with such unusually warm weather.
Warty Mammal says
You made me giggle. Once I started to take some of my old clothes to Goodwill and my husband said “don’t poor people have enough problems already?”
diane says
OMG! You did that by HAND??????? The stitches are perfect! See – that is why I ask my wonderfully talented sister-in-law to do this kind of stuff for me – because she does it so well! And Lucy was so happy that Wrigley now has his stocking hanging on the railing with the rest of ours. Thank you so much!