I referenced this a few days ago, but have only today remembered to get photos of it. if you are a member of MQResource, these are the same pictures that are posted over there.
This quilt is so big, I don’t have a good place to spread it out for a full view, but this gives you an idea of the overall look.
Typically, a Blooming Nine Patch is made with all print fabrics that flow into one another (via changes in color). I made one last spring which I’ve shown a couple of times with bugs and flowers and stripes.
My customer used some solid fabrics with her, which meant that some of the quilting would actually “show,” whereas in a typical B9P, the fabrics are so busy, the quilting is more texture than design.
I picked a couple of things to work with: continuous curve (the arcs), feathers and ribbon curls, and tried to come up with different ways to use them, so that each color fabric has different design, but it is all cohesive.
I think it turned out well, though it is huge and seemed to take forever to do.
And yes, David, I stand by the word NEED, in reference to NEEDING to sew. (That would be my brother, by the way, being smart-alecky…)
Vicki W says
Your quilting is perfect on this quilt!
Tanya Brown says
Wow. Stunning.
Jill says
OMG! your quilting is gorgeous!!
ivoryspring says
Wow – your quilt is simply gorgeous. I absolutely love the colors!
Delma West says
I am having trouble finding a pattern for a blooming 9 patch. I like this pattern does it come in King size?