Been busy working on taxes, getting ready for my trip to Machine Quilters Exposition next week and dreaming big about a potential new business adventure.
In one of our e-mail exchanges of the is-this-a-good-idea variety, my husband replied with the following quote (he had just read it in a publication at work):
“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful” – Albert Schweitzer (1875 – 1965)
We still have a lot more concrete planning and research and soul-searching to do, but if this pans out, I’ll be sure to let all of you know.
In the meantime, I’ve still got a lot of getting-ready-to-go to do! If you are going to be in the New Hampshire at MQX, please be sure to introduce yourself if you see me! I’ll have my name tag on, and since the photo on my blog is recent, I’m pretty sure I look juts like it. LOL
Later –
Thanks for posting the quote. I needed to read something like that. I too am dreaming of doing something I truly enjoy as a business venture. Since I tend to over analyze to the point of talking myself out of things, I too have been doing a lot of research. Good luck and happy researching!!!
Oooo! Curiosity is killing this cat!
hmmmm, sounds intriguing!
Have a great trip…hope it doesn’t snow there this year like it did last year!
A new adventure sounds like fun – I can’t wait to hear about it.
I won’t be making it to MQX but Deb and I are going to MQS in May – will you be there?