Well, apparently some of mine come from things I see and then store away and then forgot I actually saw. I just laughed out loud when I read Vicki‘s comment about a UFO she had posted about back in May. I admired the photograph, and the pile of pieces back then. But I didn’t realize how much of that photo I had stored away: remember the blocks I showed you in my earlier post today? They are very similar to the blocks in the photo she posted. Now that I look at her photo a little more closely, I see that there are some differences (mine are 6 inch blocks separated by an additional white sashing, the photo shows 4 patches set with sashing), plus the pictured quilt is on point….but the quilt in her magazine is called….Confetti. Yes, I knew I wasn’t being terribly original about the quilt blocks themselves or the name, but this strikes me as awfully funny. Everything we do has been done, hasn’t it?
At least I’m having fun doing it!
Wherever you get your inspiration — the quilt is lovely! I know I shamelessly borrow from all sorts of places. A bit of this, a bit of that, but I think that’s one of the great things about quilting!
Your socks are great! I need to convince my mom to make me a pair. Then again, she’ll probably just tell me to make my own darned socks. *pout* And as for football — they’re 8? Eeeek! Of course, given my 2 year old’s fondness for jumping instead of standing and the joy she felt when she did her first somersault the other day — I have the feeling I’m going to be doing gymnastics or some other sport where she hangs off the ground on purpose. If I can only keep her interested in kicking and running after balls…
I love that quilt! One of these days I’ll force myself to make something truly scrappy. I also love the socks. I’ve never had a pair of “mom knitted” socks, so I’m quite jealous! My mom knitted ponchos. Tell your mom to take pity on a nice girl without a mom…pathetic, I know. LOL.
Joe and Will look awesome in the football gear! I wouldn’t want them to run after me looking that fierce! Go boys!!!
As we both know, it’s been one hell of a week! I spent the last few days sleeping under a very special quilt, which comforted me beyond words. Thank you, my friend.
I don’t think anyone has rights over that pattern – a sashed 4-patch!
Love the quilt, some day I will attempt a scrappy quilt, I have tried in the past but I end up taking control of the scraps, see a pattern here????? Love what you do!