This could also be know as a Junk Drawer post:
1. Why is it when I say “more tomorrow” at the end of a post, I frequently never make it back to post the following day?
2. Harry Potter: I wasn’t going to do it, but I stayed up until the wee hours and finished it the other night. Yes, I read very fast, and yes, I will be rereading, much more slowly the 2nd time through. I just HAD to know how it ended, and I refuse to flip to the end to find out….It is a little sad to have it come to an end, but overall, I thought it was a satisfying way to wrap things up. I did think it was overly long in the middle…
3. Have any of you seen the TV show Age of Love? I watched 2 consecutive episodes last night. Well, listened to them in the background while I sewed. It’s like a train wreck: I didn’t want to watch, but I couldn’t pull myself away. The premise: a 30 year old bachelor and a bevy of women who want to win his heart. Half of the women are in their 20s and half are in their 40s — and everyone is waiting to find out if his needs will be met by someone younger or someone older. Personally, I find the whole idea of this sort of a reality show pretty ludicrous — especially when the women are making comments about not liking to date a man who is dating other women at the same time. Hello? Did you not know what you were getting into when you signed up for this? They all seem to be beautiful, successful women, and I find myself feeling sad for them that they have to stoop to something like this.
4. I wanted to again thank the quilters of the Great Lakes Professional Machine Quilter’s Association that spent time with me over the weekend in various parts of Wisconsin. We had a lot of fun, and I hope that they learned a lot. I expect to see pictures from them as they go home and start putting what they learned into practice. If you are a machine quilter and are interested in joining a group like GLPMQA, you might want to check out this page to see if there is already a group near you. This is not a comprehensive list, but a place to start. Just like regular quilt guilds, longarm guilds are a great way to learn more about quilting.
5. Welcome to those of you that have found me via the latest Quiltmaker Magazine! I hope you enjoy your stay and will consider commenting! It seems that lately my blog has been more about the distractions from quilting (or the Other Adventures referred to in the title…), but I think that things will be settling back down now for awhile, so maybe some more quilting and art content will be showing up. Maybe. First, I have to clean my office and studio….
6. Speaking of quilts and quilting: last night, after a busy day helping to set up a new quilting machine, I spent several hours sewing on the scrap quilt that I posted a picture of a few days ago. The blocks are all done, and several rows are sewn together. I have to go cut a bunch more sashing before I can finish, though…it doesn’t look any different than it did the other day, so no new pictures yet.
Somebody’s making a funny banging noise, so I’d better go investigate.
Hope you have a fabulous day filled with lots of things you love to do!
Well, I don’t know how old the maker of your funny banging noise is, but as a rule, it’s usually more dangerous in my house when you CAN’T hear them… 🙂
I did the stay up late with Harry Potter thing too…way too much fun, with a tinge of sadness that it’s over. Can’t wait to see the scrap quilt when it’s photo ready.
Due to illness, flu in the summer is a bummer, I spent monday and tuesday pretty much in bed. I did however allow me to sadly finish Harry also. Yes I am bummed that it has all come to an end.