We are in a deep freeze here in Iowa. I suppose this is our punishment for having such nice weather through December and January.
I saw 13 below this morning on the thermometer. Wind chills are supposed to keep us in the 20-30 below range all day long, which means it is dangerous to be outside for very long. Frostbite is not something with which I would like to be personally acquainted.
You can imagine our surprise, though, when we turned on the news last night to discover
that all of the schools in our area had decided to announce a late start fro today’s school day. A 2 hour delay, in fact. I do understand the desire to keep our kid safe, but I’m not convinced the2 hours is going to make much of a difference in what the temperature is when they have to be outside. Mostly, I’m grateful that I am not the one that has to make decisions about school delays and cancellations. No matter what the school administration decides, someone won’t like it, I’m sure.
I will admit that I was happy to be able to sleep in…I am not a morning person…
The boys have had a nice morning — piano practice, a little bit of reading, and at the moment Joe is working on defeating the bad guys in a GameCube game, and Will is playing games at pilkey.com — (every heard of Captain Underpants? Dav Pilkey is the author. A lot of bathroom humor but these are the books that convinced my boys they needed to figure out how to read on their own.)
Have a great day!
We woke up to -37 celcius (not much difference at that temp) but totally calm so it’s easier to bear than your wind chills. I think they should either have school or close it all day. I don’t know if schools here are closed or not. I used to sit by the radio in anticipation but now that I am retired it’s less interesting. Lol. Try to keep warm.