Today’s letter is actually two letters — the letters that the boys wrote to Santa. These were published in the local paper, and they were also sent to Santa. The boys both got replies back — a form letter from Santa with a personal note from one of his elves.
Dear Santa,
I’ve been good by cleaning the house. How do you get to every house in one night? What I want for Christmas: Lego Jawa Sand Crawler and Lego Jabba’s Sail Barge. If you could change the world, can you make it so there’s no more wars?
Dear Santa,
This year I shared my toys with my brother, Joe. How’s Rudolph doing? I would like a Nintendo Wii and a PS3. Could you have your elves make something that flies about the clouds and absorbs the air that makes tornadoes and sucks up lightning? Merry Christmas and don’t forget to visit me!
Your friend,
Will E.
Thanks to all you have been reading and commenting. I can’t wait to spend more time writing and reading and getting to know you. I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season filled with love and laughter.
Merry Christmas!