It's like a sickness. I have a gazillion other things I could or ought to be doing, but I keep getting pulled back in to work on those feathered star centers. What I was mostly objecting to with regards to the options I was trying for the centers was how STARK they were. I wasn't sure the centers ... VIEW POST
WIP Wednesday, a day late
I did actually take these pictures yesterday, but never got around to actually posting. A few weeks (months?) ago, a friend was clearing out some UFOs, and for some unknown reason, I volunteered to take on a feathered star project that she was frustrated with. Warning, if you aren't a quilter, ... VIEW POST
Yesterday’s closeup
Couldn't get that one to upload yesterday. And here is the scrap quilt I've been piecing, the center is all put together: I've been calling it Confetti, but as I mentioned in yesterday's post, I think it's going to be renamed. I was contemplating borders, binding and backing, and remembered ... VIEW POST
WIP Wednesday
First: at what age is it that you go from hating to have to go to bed, to recognizing that sleeping is a worthwhile activity that you wish you could do more of? Today at lunch the boys were eating their dreaded carrots and were talking about the things that they hate more than carrots. There were ... VIEW POST
I haven't done a Wednesday WIP report in....weeks....and yes, today isn't even Wednesday, but consider this a make-up post. A few days ago, I decided I needed to do some mindless sewing. I pulled out this box of 2 inch squares and started in. After sewing and sewing and sewing -- I got tired of ... VIEW POST
What’s wrong with this picture? — WIP Wednesday
I'm behind on my 12x12x12 projects -- for those of you that don't know, it's challenge from the Quilt Studio web ring -- I'm supposed to be making a 12x12 journal quilt each month. I got Jan and Feb done, but March and April were lost causes. I thought I'd try to do something -- anything -- ... VIEW POST