I've missed a couple of WIP Wednesdays, mostly because I haven't had much in progress that was worth reporting about. I have to admit to being more than a little....manic? Obsessed? Something crazy like that when it comes to new projects lately. As evidence, may I present my niece's ... VIEW POST
WIP Wednesday
AKA More things to get you in the mood for Christmas The Snowman Row quilt is hanging on my design wall, waiting for binding and a decision on whether or not I'll be sewing buttons on the vests. Meanwhile, the heat and humidity has decided to sock it to us again, and it's so bad today that the ... VIEW POST
Gage’s Quilt
The blocks are all sewn together: Jan commented about the quantity of John Deere fabrics in my stash: there are actually only 2 John Deere prints in this particular quilt. One is the yellow with tractors on it, the other is a green print with black tractors. The actual color scheme for this ... VIEW POST
The Attention Span of a Gnat aka WIP Wednesday (on Wednesday, even!)
So, the plan was: little to no sewing until the studio was put back together, and definitely no new projects until a goodly number of things got finished. Yeah, right. Like I was going to manage that. Last night, after I posted about the quilts that I thought I needed to be working on, I went ... VIEW POST
More blasts from the stash
Suzy Q. Homemaker here, reporting in. The stash hasn't drowned me yet. It's making a valiant effort. I cleaned the refrigerator (yikes!) and had the boys help me clean the fronts of all of the kitchen cabinets (double yikes!). They had gotten in trouble, so they were my slaves for awhile. One ... VIEW POST
File this under: what was I thinking?
I have been spending some quality time picking things up in my sewing room. It started with a desire to see my countertop again, and to maybe clear a path to the TV (I could barely get there without stepping on...something(s)), and has now morphed into a desire to just clean the whole durned thing ... VIEW POST
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