Title and Author: The Duke is Mine by Eloisa James Publisher: Avon Genre: Romance Publication Date: December 27th 2011 Pages: 367 pages Source: Purchased ebook Kid-rating: Not for kids. It's a romance novel: lots of sexual innuendo and um, actual you-know-what. Star Rating: 4 ... VIEW POST
Fairy Tale Friday: Once Upon A Mattress
The musical, Once Upon A Mattress, is a very funny adaptation of the Princess and the Pea story. It sets out to answer some of the questions that I raised in my previous post -- where did the princess come from? What was wrong with the other princesses? Why the pea under the mattress test? How did ... VIEW POST
Fairy Tale Friday: The Princess and the Pea
I'm sure I'm not the only one doing this sort of thing on my blog, but I'm going to try to devote Fridays to Fairy Tales. The current inspiration actually came from a project that a group of bloggers are doing called Project: Fairy Tale. If I'd known about it at the time of sign-ups, I would have ... VIEW POST