The boys find me to be very annoying at times, and I do my best to be as annoying as possible. Often I will demand that they "pay" me in order to go away and leave them alone. This afternoon, I was sitting with them on the couch, they were trying to do...something...and I kept asking questions ... VIEW POST
Hairy monsters no more
Saturday morning the boys went from this: And this: To this: And this: What a relief. (For those of us that have to look at them anyway.) This was a compromise between the shaggy they want and the buzz-cut Mom and Dad would prefer. This can BE messy on top, but look ... VIEW POST
How to tell our twins apart (part 2 of our story)
Carla made a comment on my previous post about twins, that her identical twin boys were in their own sacs with their own placentas. My very basic understand of the mechanics of multiple births is that there are a number of different variations on the theme (and in a future post, I might talk a ... VIEW POST
Having twins, part 1
There is still time to guess in yesterday's contest -- I'll do a random drawing this afternoon (5PM CST). My favorite answers so far are "fric and frac" and "thing 1 and thing 2" -- both quite appropriate. I'll have to do a count of how many of you guessed one way vs. the other. I think I've told ... VIEW POST