Today is the deadline. My Alphabet round robin book has to be in the mail today. I have really struggled to make up my mind about what to do to get it started. It's now in the box and there is no turning back! Here's the book closed: As I said in a previous post, the cover ... VIEW POST
The writing on the fabric….
I should have mentioned in my previous post that the fabric with writing on it is a commercial print. Here's what it looked like before I started messing with it. I'm not positive, but I think my Mom might have gotten it for me when she was either in San Francisco or New York City ... VIEW POST
Some sun painting
This is done on white fabric with Pebeo Setacolor Soleil paint. I put a quilting grid stencil over top of the painted fabric and then put it out in the sun. The object on the right was a potato masher. The other 2 pieces I've brought in from outside didn't print as well. ... VIEW POST