I haven't even been able to get to my quilting machine for most of the last week, but today I finally reached the bottom of the piles and started trying to catch back up on some quilting. This little cutie was a quickie. It was made by a young lady whose grandmother brought it to me to quilt. I ... VIEW POST
Cherry on Top
I don't know why I consider quilts "done" when they still need labels and bindings, but still, but I guess it's done enough to share, the rest is just gravy. Looking back through the blog, it appears that I finished piecing the body of this back in September 2008. At the time, I mentioned having ... VIEW POST
Radiant Star Part 19: Mostly Done
With approximately 3 squares inches to go, it's at this point in the entertainment that Murphy usually makes his appearance and causes the bobbin thread to run out: I'm trickier than Murphy, though -- shortly before I got to this point, my tension had gone a little bit strange, so I'd cleaned ... VIEW POST
Bright and crazy
For my MQResource friends, this is a total repeat of the post you've already seen. Same photos, same everything. For everybody else, this is my crazy log cabin (well, courthouse steps...) quilt that I pieced and showed off several weeks ago. The IQ quilted 4 edge to edge quilts for me last ... VIEW POST
Daily photos: I've been taking them, but not necessarily sharing them. Or even getting them uploaded, but I'm caught up now. Those of you that visit via your RSS Reader won't have noticed, but there's a new link in my sidebar, at the top, that links to where I'm posting all of the Daily Photos. ... VIEW POST
The Giveaway Quilt
stay tuned for the outcome, comments are closed, thanks to everyone that entered. When last I rambled about what quilt I would be offering in this giveaway, I think I left off at Plan D. I've decided to go with Plan E. A quilt that is already quilted and finished. This quilt was ... VIEW POST