Stuff sitting on the coffeetable: Books being read by the boys (Journey to Cubeville (yes, a Dilbert book...) and a book by Andrew Clements (Lost and Found) Inkheart, which I read and enjoyed and need to return to the library Two notes from school, one of which is from the band teacher: ... VIEW POST
Bright and crazy
For my MQResource friends, this is a total repeat of the post you've already seen. Same photos, same everything. For everybody else, this is my crazy log cabin (well, courthouse steps...) quilt that I pieced and showed off several weeks ago. The IQ quilted 4 edge to edge quilts for me last ... VIEW POST
Mental Health Day
I took yesterday off. Actually, I'm taking all Mondays off. Well, from the shop, anyway. After nearly 8 months, it was time to reevaluate shop hours, and I came to the conclusion that having a day at home by myself was important for my sanity, as well as the well-being of my ... VIEW POST