Something ordinary: Coming home to a puppy who insists that it is suppertime RIGHT NOW. No matter how many times we tell her that she does not eat until 6PM, she continues to try to convince us that if don't feed her RIGHT NOW she is probably going to starve. She starts this act at around 5PM ... VIEW POST
Monday meanderings
I finished the quilt top I was talking about in Saturday's post. OnceI had the correct instructions, everything went swimmingly. The new, correct cutting instructions called for pieces that were smaller than what I had already cut, so it wasn't like I had to throw away (well, put in the scrap ... VIEW POST
Yesterday I learned
That an hour after talking to a newspaper reporter about your new store you will think of at least 10 other things you wished you had said. Plus, I learned that 2 minutes after you clean the glass on the front door, someone will come to the door and push it open, putting their hands on the glass ... VIEW POST
Last night, plus day 3 and day 4 of things I’ve learned
Last night's guild presentation went well -- they laughed at all of the funny bits, though I did end up leaving out the parmesan cheese story. I decided that they were going to think I was crazy enough as it was without adding that one. I had fun and am grateful that I was invited. Today's ... VIEW POST
What I learned yesterday
First, I want to apologize if any of my friends or relations took yesterday as being directed at them, because really, it wasn't. The lesson really was about me, and as others have pointed it out, it seems to be a lesson that many of us have trouble with... I do hope to have something fiber ... VIEW POST
Day 1: Today I learned…
Taking a new online journaling/scrapbooking class led by Shimelle (Learn Something New Everyday) September 1, 2008 Today I learned that after having not even turned my computer on for a day, when I checked my e-mail yesterday, I really hadn't missed anything. For what I'm doing for the class, ... VIEW POST