The one thing I like the LEAST about my new studio is that carpet. My first quilting machine started on carpet, then I moved to painted concrete, then to hardwood floors, and now back to carpet. I hate it. But then, I'm not a big fan of carpet, period, so I might be biased. For one thing, ... VIEW POST
I thought this yarn would be here tomorrow, but whoopee! The UPS man came today! This isn't even all of it, bunches of it is already priced and put away. I'm sitting down to cast on a new project** for a few minutes before I get back to it. This is not waht I'd planned for today, but sometimes ... VIEW POST
Ten minutes of fame
I mentioned in a previous post that I had done a radio interview, and I promised to come back and talk about that... My county has an economic development group that presents recognition awards each year in a number of categories. I was nominated (well, Knots & Bolts...) in the Small ... VIEW POST