Well, not anything related to the theme of "home" at any rate. Actually, I don't have much of anything at all. My poor sewing machine hasn't been turned on in...days....more than a week? Way too long. I'm not sure tomorrow's outlook is that great for sewing either. (In case you feel too sorry ... VIEW POST
My Hometown (for real)
Back in April, when I was taking the advanced digital scrapbooking class (which I still haven't finished, in part due to the fact that I flew off to New Hampshire for a week...), I was also signed up for a class by Shimelle, called There's No Place Like Home. The prompts and projects were ... VIEW POST
Some of what remains
What a mess: The head of our bed will go up against the wall that's in the left of the pictures (where the white cabinet is sitting). I still have those cabinets, and the countertop sitting there. And all fo the crap piled on (and in and under...) them. Still have to figure out what to do with ... VIEW POST
Home away from home, part 2
Some more about my new home away from home. Up until a month or so ago, this was a State Farm insurance agent's office. (He built a new building a block away). Before that it was a photography studio. This was the photographer that did our wedding, our engagement pictures, plus some pictures the ... VIEW POST
A new home away from home
I did not manage to go take a picture as I had intended, but I decided to just use this one I took awhile ago. It was taken from a moving vehicle, I was the driver. Obviously, I couldn't spend a lot of time getting the camera straight or anything.... We spent the weekend moving my ... VIEW POST
Tried to take a picture
I tried to take a picture of something exciting to share, but discovered that my memory card was still in the computer here at home. So much for that idea. Tomorrow, though, promise. Speaking of tomorrow, it's the last day of school! We are hoping for no rain, as the kids would sure like to be ... VIEW POST