Wii are nuts. And no, the boys don't have any potential way to read my blog, so Wii are safe. So, last night when I posted the previous post, I had just started looking around online. I REFUSE to pay a premium -- there are a number of places that you can buy the $250 package for $500 or more. ... VIEW POST
Much slower day
I've gotten very little done today. Mostly just sitting here at the computer browsing around blogs and such. And messing around with how to display my pictures. What I've done is uploaded some of them to my website, and if you click on them, it should take you to the larger pic on my site, so you ... VIEW POST
The year of the finished Christmas quilts
More pictures tomorrow when the light is better. As in: when there actually IS light, as opposed to right now, when it is pitch-black outside. (And by finished, I mean quilted and BOUND, with a finished binding!) And in the dryer -- another Christmas quilt that I finished quilting a few weeks ... VIEW POST
One holiday down
Let's get on with the next one! Our Thanksgiving feast was a rousing success! Good food, great company, etc, etc....We even got a long distance phone call from my brother and his wife from overseas! After the guests were gone and my husband had put our Great Room back together, I was a little ... VIEW POST
Last-minute Lucy here
Yesterday morning at school, I saw my sister-in-law and her daughter dressed in their cute Halloween t-shirts from Old Navy, and I wished I had one, too. Every year I think this: I don't really want to wear a costume, but it would be nice to have a cute shirt to wear. I went home and didn't think ... VIEW POST
My husband claims that I carved pumpkins with the boys last year. I have no recollection of this occuring, nor do I have photographic evidence. He's the one that remembers things, and I'm not, so I believed him and agreed to carve with the boys again this year. That rat fink lied to me. *HE* was ... VIEW POST