Those of you that have blogs -- do you ever go back and reread old posts? I accidentally spent part of this evening reading posts from 2009. (In my stats, someone had visited an old page from that year and somehow I found myself sucked in, paging through and reading about the quilts I was working on ... VIEW POST
Knitting for small people
I was sick earlier in the month, and I spent a ridiculous number of days in bed watching Grey's Anatomy and knitting. It was all I was capable of doing. I'd get up and try to be human, and then shortly thereafter I'd find myself wandering back to bed. It was all upper respiratory, and it wiped me ... VIEW POST
S is for Sabrina
My sister-in-law gave birth to her 4th baby yesterday, she and my brother now have a matched set: 2 boys and 2 girls. Sabrina and her Mommy and Daddy are doing well. I shared the quilt I made for her on MQResource awhile back (I actually made it and sent it before she was even born. I know, ... VIEW POST
What I’ve Been Up To
In reverse order: Today: Third grade field trip to visit several museums in Waterloo/Cedar Falls. Actually? A pretty good day. Kids were fairly well behaved, bus wasn't as noisy as it could have been (although, Will made me sit with him in the back seat which was terribly bumpy...glad I'd had ... VIEW POST