For cherry fabric. It's just so darned...cheery. I love this pink version so much I bought large swathes of it on two separate occasions. And yes, it's the same print as the border for my Cherry On Top quilt. And I think a lot of us could use some cheery right now. I have a theory. ... VIEW POST
Holy Yardage, Batman
I have cut and shipped something like a 80 bazillion yards of fabric over the last few days. And I'm feeling every yard of it in muscles I didn't know I had. Not that I'm complaining, it's wonderful to clean some bolts off and get ready to welcome some new stuff later this week. And I am so ... VIEW POST
I love fabric
Also, I love a brand-new cutting mat, a brand-new rotary cutter blade, and my Shape Cut ruler. Though, that's my ratty old broken one, the new Shape Cut is at home. I also love my camera and Photoshop. ... VIEW POST
Looking for
This: It's by Robyn Pandolph, from a collection called Aubrey Rose. It's from approximately 2004, when she was designing for South Seas Imports. It's a tone-on-tone green and I need about 1/4 to 1/2 yard. I have Googled, and tried, but all I can even find pictures of online are ... VIEW POST
Getting rid of scraps
Did you see Vicki's comment about donating my scraps to someone who might use them for something like QOVs or other charity projects? I'm sad to say that my immediate first reaction was...(in a really whiny voice) But, but, but....I might need those scraps some day. You know, for when they stop ... VIEW POST
As promised, quilt content
My assistants were helping me while I was trying to take some photographs. They were fighting over this bone. I showed a little bit of this quilting the other day, you got a glimpse of how close I had come to running out of thread. I'm only showing the back, because the front is busy enough ... VIEW POST