I set the camera on top of our TV armoire, and snapped this one. I thought it would be interesting to take pictures throughout the year of our home and see how it changes. We rearrange fairly often, plus there is always something going on -- the table to the right of center is Lego Mindstorm ... VIEW POST
Computers, part deux
Shortly after I wrote my earlier post, I decided to actually attempt to do a little troubleshooting, and fired up my laptop. Network worked just fine on it, so now I don't know what to think. I'll have to try moving the laptop to the front counter to see if it is locational, and if it's ... VIEW POST
Big Day
It was Mark's birthday! The lighting is terrible in the basement. This was the best of what I took, but still not great. He talked the boys into playing pool with him for awhile. They also helped me with the laundry (hey! they can match their own socks and and fold their own clothes!) and dried ... VIEW POST
Today was Monday, right?
Between multiple days off school (unplanned) and various other things going on, I sometimes lose track of what day it is. I do know that today was Martin Luther King Jr. Day, so I guess that means it was, in fact, Monday. I had seen the idea in a number of places: spend the day in service, and as ... VIEW POST
An epiphany
After we got home from the movie theater last night, my sister called. "Guess what we're going to watch in 5 minutes," she said. Yeah, yeah, rub it in, why don't you. I'd be watching Battlestar Galactica, too, if I had cable. We chatted, and then hung up, since she needed to get herself off to ... VIEW POST
Mercifully, we had a warming up today, and temps are currently +2 (F). Still cold, but somehow, the fact that it is ABOVE zero, makes it seem significantly warmer. Following on from yesterday's photo, today I thought I'd show off the finished Scorpion robot, being put through some trials. It ... VIEW POST