Only 19 more to go. It took longer than I had thought it would, but I was only doing the one, when I'm working on a bunch at a time and doign some assembly line work, it'll all go faster. Plus, I was still trying to figure otu what the heck I was doing, there's a LOT of pieces to keep track ... VIEW POST
Daily photos plus poll results
The boys were playing baseball and I was trying to take some pictures of them in action. Unfortunately, not many of them turned out very well, but one of my furry helpers just about knocked me over trying to get close enough to me. What a face. You can't really see it at this size, but the ... VIEW POST
The return of the daily photo
I don't know what happened, I just quit taking pictures every day. I don't have really willing participants, except for maybe the dog(s), but I can only take so many pictures of the dogs. I've been missing this, though, and had decided to start it back up tomorrow, the 1st of June. But there I ... VIEW POST
73 pounds of Cocoa
We're all still getting to know one another, but Cocoa seems to be fitting in pretty well. Speaking of fitting, Katie can actually walk underneath Cocoa without having to duck. 20 pounds of Katie looks pretty tiny compared to 73 pounds of Cocoa. This one didn't have anything to do with ... VIEW POST