I’ve had in mind that I wanted to participate in #The100DayProject, but I couldn’t quite make up my mind what to do. Until this afternoon. Which is a good thing, since this starts on April 3rd.
I’ve decided on #100DaysofModernEmbroidery — enough of a focus to actually, you know, HAVE a focus, but broad enough that I can make it exactly what I need it to be each day. I participated in 2016, but burned out after 50 days, because I was trying to make something every day. This time, I’m not going to worry about making 100 things, but doing something for 100 days — around the theme of #modernembroidery.
I’m envisioning a project where I’m doing online research about designers and stitches and history, finding inspiration in drawing or painting, sketching ideas for my own projects, and of course…stitching….and documenting it in this sketchbook. I bought this it for a different purpose, but I think this is what it’s meant to be. It’s not intended for water media, so I’ll have to be careful there!