I feel like my whole life as an introvert has been leading up to this current life of social distancing that we find ourselves facing. Before we found out our school was going to be closed for at least a month, I had decided I wanted to work on my web development skills (I know enough about HTML and CSS to be a little dangerous, but not enough to be considered proficient), so I found the website FreeCodeCamp and got started.
While I’m not at home full time (yet — our district office is still open for the time being), but I am always looking for new things to do and try and I guess I might as well try reaching out and sharing what I’m doing, too.
I blew through the learning challenges of the Responsive Web Deisgn Certification in a day and am now working on the web design projects.
First up is a Tribute Page — I chose the artist Margaret Macdonald Mackintosh. The way the challenge works, you have a set of “user stories” you have to fulfill — which are all code based. The content and styling of the page are entirely up to you.
You can check out my page on Codepen.io: https://codepen.io/suzanneearley/full/RwPyomm

You can also start learning how to code on your own at freecodecamp.org — but beware they are experiencing high traffic today (what a surprise!) and you might have trouble until they increase their capacity.