Those of you that have blogs — do you ever go back and reread old posts? I accidentally spent part of this evening reading posts from 2009. (In my stats, someone had visited an old page from that year and somehow I found myself sucked in, paging through and reading about the quilts I was working on and the funny little stories I used to post about the boys and my day. I had a lot of short posts, that would probably be Facebook status updates these days. Or even just in my Stories on IG or FB — short, ephemeral, throw-away stuff that lives on here on my blog.
That was the year we painted our house. (Spolier alert: it’s still red. We painted it once, the next owner can paint it again if they want. It’s actually held up really well, and has only faded a little (which I only know because Mark had to touch up some paint…)).
And that was the year of the Radiant Star quilt. (If you click the link, it’ll take you to all fo the posts. I blogged the whole process from the beginning to the bitter end). I was commissioned to make this for a Christmas present. I spent so many hours and put so much work in to it. I hope his wife loved it, she is from a beautiful that I would actually would like to be part of, check it in I hope she still loves it and that it is well cared for.

I had always intended to make my own version of that quilt, but it never happened. I don’t suppose it ever will. Although, I should know not to say “never” — I wore a pink sweater that had red stripes the other day, and I used to be adamant that pink and red did NOT go together.
I’ve had this idea that I want to start quilting for people again, but even just saying that seems crazy-pants. When would I do that? And who would I quilt for? I’d be starting completely from scratch and I have been out of the loop so long, I don’t know what people are charging and what the “things” are — what’s the “in” stuff that people are doing? Not that I’m a rule or crowd follower, but you have to know the market. I can’t even tell you the last time I was in an actual quilt shop.
There were some funny stories in those posts, too, that I had forgotten about. And a joke from Mark: “How many lawyers does it take to grease a combine?”
One. And it helps to feed him feet first.
And on that note……..