The quality of the light is a little funky, and red is impossible to photograph, so these pictures don’t quite do this justice, but I can’t not share!
I thought I had the afternoon off, but then the fog rolled in, and the morning exploratory classes got cancelled, so….bonus! An entire day off.
When I’ve posted sneak peeks of this quilt, I’ve tried very hard not to spoil the surprise.
When this was up on the design wall, Mark and I would have conversations that went something like:
Mark: There’s a green block there.
Suzanne: Yep.
Mark: But it’s green.
Suzanne: Yep.
Mark: And the rest are red.
Suzanne: Yep.
Mark: I think you need to call that quilt “Don’t Drink and Quilt”
Suzanne: (A) I don’t drink and (B) I was thinking more along the lines of “How to Drive Your Engineer Husband Crazy Through Quilting”
I love this quilt so much. Churn Dash is my very favorite block, and I love experimenting and using it in different ways.
It’s no surprise that red is my favorite color, and by now I’ve lost count of the different ways I’ve used cherry fabrics in quilts. Although, I think this is the first time I’ve every actually quilted cherries!
Everything was done freehand, with just some ruler lines drawn in to guide me for spacing. The quilting in the piano key border got a little out of hand — more intricate than I intended, and don’t look too close, I didn’t draw guidelines, I just went for it, so it’s very “perfectly imperfect.”
Thread is Superior Threads, So fine in the top, Bottom Line prewound bobbins on the bottom. Warm and Natural white batting.
Now that the quilting is done, I really need to stop and bind a couple quilts. Ok. I need to bind more than a couple. Like 4.
Fine. I think I have 6 quilts to bind right now. Don’t judge me.
it looks great – I like Mark’s name for it – but that is funny!!