I have now read 52 books in this crazy project. I was telling someone yesterday that I was struggling to get through the book I was (then) currently reading — but I *had* to finish it, no matter what, because of this completely arbitrary goal I had set myself.
I did finish that book (The Monstrumologist), and now I’m ready for the 2011 honored books.
The 2010 honored books were a less than stellar bunch for me, personally. I greatly disliked one of them (Punkzilla), one was a reread and didn’t really hold up to a second reading (Going Bovine). The biography of Charles Darwin was OK, but I was underwhelmed by it.
Only one was something that I really enjoyed, and would highly recommend (Tales of the Madman Underground), but only for older teens/adults.
When I started this reading project, I had in mind that I was going to also take the time to write more about what I was reading, and my thoughts, and I have found that that goal has not really taken off. I’m such a fast reader, which is not always a good thing, that I’m through a book and on to the next 4 before I take the time to contemplate. I’m not sure what I could do to change that (or if I even want to). I have thought about trying to take notes while I read, but I suspect that I’d remember for about 3 pages and then next thing I know, I’ll be 100 pages further along.
Oh — gotta go. I hear a list of books calling my name……..