Apparently, my thing is to restart my blog every so often.
Hey- how’s it going? I’m fine. Busy. You know. Life and everything.
Anyway, a couple of things have happened in real life and mentally that have kind of come together and I think I’m going to start a new reading project. A couple of years ago, I tried being a book blogger, but I wasn’t very good at it. The project I’m doing now is totally for me, but part of the challenge I’m setting myself is to write about it, too, and this seems like a logical place to do that.
So, the project. I want to try to read and write about the Michael L. Printz Award winners and honor books.
For those of you that are wondering WHAT on Earth the award is about, you can visit the official website. For those of you that are wondering WHY on Earth I’m doing this, well, I’m not entirely prepared to talk about that. For those of you that are wondering HOW I’m planning to go about this, well, hmmm. Not much of a plan yet. Will I read and post on a regular schedule? Who knows! What exactly am I going to try to write? Again — your guess is as good as mine. Maybe I won’t even write, but I’ll make a video. Or a book trailer. Or tap dance.
Well, probably not that last one.
I do know that I’m starting with the oldest first. The year the award was first given was 2000, and the winner that year was Monster by Walter Dean Myers. I have to be honest — this is not normally a book I would just pick up, but I started it earlier this evening and I’m already 18% done. And I have to know what happens, so I’m not stopping…and not just because I’m doing this project.
I do know that I won’t MAKE myself finish a book I’m absolutely hating. At least, I don’t think I will.
So, that’s what’s new with me. What’s new with you?
Good to hear from you. I sometimes follow your book advice, because you do read interesting books. I’m glad you’re back to blogging.
I think you should write comedy myself LOL! I have a whole new blog, not just restarting the old one. That one is under construction. I have a lot of broken links and lost pictures that need cleaning up and need to start writing again. Now I am writing a personal blog about my life. I don’t know how this will show up, but it will show Tessa instead of Terri and either blog. I go by Tessa Smeigh on the blog or my full name, just no one else’s names.
Good luck with the project! Printz is a YA prize, right? Sounds like fun!
Yes, excellence in YA.
Thank you, I’m kind of excited about getting started. Luckily, it’s a long weekend, so I’ve got plenty of reading and thinking time….